Friday, February 17, 2017

Girl You Deserve a Tiara if These Habits Are a Part of your Hair Care Routine!

Shiny, long and healthy hair are something most women long for but find very tough to get. But would you believe that getting such beautiful tresses naturally is not a hard job if you follow your hair care routine every day. Hair damage, hair loss, dry hair or any other hair problem can be resolved with a good hair care regimen. Make the following hair care habits a fixed part of your daily schedule and you will no longer have to feel envy of anyone’s long and shiny curls:
Get regular haircuts: If you think that avoiding the salon for a year or so will increase the volume or growth of your hair, then you are going completely wrong. If the ends of your hair are dying and splitting then you are not getting the length. If you get a trim every six months or 8 weeks then your hair face minimum split ends or any other damage.
Go natural with your hair: During the weekend, give your hair a break from everything they suffer during the week and let them recover. Let your hair air dry, do not use heat styling products and keep it loose to avoid any tightening or pulling of hair. You can also apply Strong & Nourished Hair Oil before washing your hair.
Be smart about using hot tools on your hair: Avoid blow drying, curling or straightening your hair with hot tools. But be smart if you cannot completely avoid these tools. For example, if you want to blow-dry, do not stick to the highest level of heat for a very long time instead keep moving it on a cooler setting and low velocity. This process might take a bit longer but will be beneficial for your hair.
Brush or comb the right way: Brushing and combing your hair gives them a clean look but brushing a lot will break weak ends. Brush or comb, once a day and that too carefully. You can use Neem Wood Comb to keep your hair good in volume.

Curl it, cut it, or color it. Experiment with your hair but do not forget to take proper care of them. Follow a healthy hair care routine and shine like a diva with your gorgeous and shiny hair.

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